Green the grid with Better Energy
The path towards 100% renewable energy just got shorter. A PPA with Better Energy is a proven solution that makes it easy to do the right thing.

Green power is good business. Green power is the solution to a cleaner, sustainable energy system – and solar is the most cost-effective, versatile and scalable solution on the market today.
A Better Energy power purchase agreement (PPA) provides businesses with the opportunity to buy electricity at a fixed cost for 10+ years. Companies can hedge against rising energy costs, meet sustainability goals faster and add new green energy to the grid.
“Our PPA offers three unique benefits: low cost, direct purchase from a specific solar project and additionality, the chance to bring new projects to life,” says Better Energy CEO Rasmus Lildholdt Kjær and continues:
“Purchasing Better Energy solar power is one of the most impactful ways businesses can reduce their CO2 emissions and drive the development of new solar power. Many organisations have set ambitious targets for renewable energy sourcing, carbon footprint reduction and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A PPA can be an important tool for showing performance against these goals. We make it easy for companies to choose affordable, reliable, sustainable electricity. We make it easy to do the right thing.”
Better Energy has worked intensively the past years to become a European leader in the design, development, engineering, finance, construction, maintenance and operation of large-scale solar plants. Our integrated operating model enables us to find cost efficiencies and economies of scale in all aspects of the value chain. Ultimately, this leads to the lowest cost of energy.
Aside from being affordable, solar power has some other clear advantages as a clean energy source. It can be customised and scaled up according to energy consumption needs. Solar projects are easy to integrate and can be built in harmony with nature and surroundings, boosting biodiversity and benefitting local communities. Finally, sunlight is predictable with respect to location and season, so solar power is predictable and reliable.
“We are here to accelerate the growth of green energy and help companies pave the way for a cleaner, brighter future. We bring new perspectives and new solutions to green the grid faster and make the path to 100% renewable energy shorter,” says Rasmus Lildholdt Kjær.