
Become carbon neutral. Make a measurable difference.

Be a part of the energy revolution

Everyone can contribute to a better energy balance. Contribute to society through your business. What are your goals? What do you want to achieve? We can make renewables work for you. Commit to renewables – and benefit from a sustainable source of energy.

Commitment brings measurable progress. When you commit to a better future, you make a measurable difference that lasts for generations.

Adding value for corporate and industrial customers (C&I)

C&I customers have great influence on the green transition. As the prices for green energy continue to drop, they are becoming more interested in green energy projects to reduce their carbon emissions, boost their green profiles and control their energy costs.

As feed-in tariff revenue from projects declines in the coming years, C&I customers will be able to actively support the development of new renewable energy capacity through a power purchase agreement (PPA).

On-site solar systems

Better Energy also delivers turnkey solar systems on-site to large commercial and industrial energy consumers. The electricity produced by the systems feeds directly into the supply of these energy consumers. We provide professional support and insight to companies on financing, trends and technology to improve performance and reduce costs.


